

teeline.online is an online resource for studying Teeline shorthand. Features include searchable dictionary of hundreds of animated outlines, a ‘revise’ page where people can sear outlines into their brains, a basic syllabus outlining how Teeline works, and a generator that takes a stab at converting passages of text into Teeline.

The project was partially inspired by my old revision cards from when I was studying for my NCTJ diploma. Free online resources for learning Teeline seemed few and far between so once I’d cut my teeth as a software engineer I decided to try making one myself. Tinkering with it on and off over the years has seen it grow into a pretty popular resource, with thousands of visitors a month and coverage by the likes of journalism.co.uk.

The project is built using Svelte. The outlines around which the site revolves are stored as a series of SVG path coordinates, allowing for snazzy features like animation and reusability.